Top 5 (fictional) Country Preachers

It’s fairly rare to see a minister as a character in a show now days…especially one that’s not an example of hypocrisy or there for comic relief. Here’s a list of 5 country preachers from film and TV, in no particular order:

1. Mr. Gruffydd from How Green Was My Valley.

I don’t remember too much of the plot, it’s been a while since I saw this. I think I rented it one night with the intent of watching all of the Best Picture Oscar winners. I was amazed to see a minister as a central character and portrayed as a hero. I was also impressed that a tall, handsome man played the minister. Compare this to nearly any preacher on film after the 60’s!

2. Rev. Tucker from the Andy Griffith Show.

While not a central or very memorable character, I’ve always liked how the church and the preacher was as much a part of Mayberry as the grocery store and post office. Nothing spectacular, it is simply a normal part of life that finds it’s way into the plot of several epispodes.

(Couldn’t find a picture of Rev. Tucker, but here’s a Sunday afternoon in Mayberry)

3. Preacher from Pale Rider

Not sure why, but I really like the scene where a preacher beats up on the bad guys with a large piece of lumber.

4. Friar Tuck

Fr. Tuck is an icon. He’s the jovial member of the Merry Men whose presence seems to give some moral sanction to the band of outlaws.

5. Rev. Maclean from A River Runs Through It

The minister viewed from within the manse. This is one of my favorite all time movies, Rev. Maclean is stern, loving and one of the few Presbyterians to ever use the word ‘beautiful’. Norman Maclean definitely grew up in a Presbyterian home.

Well that’s my list…who would you add.

5 thoughts on “Top 5 (fictional) Country Preachers

  1. Of course I’m not really sure if it counts, because it was a movie about him, but “A man called Peter: The Story of Peter Marshall” was pretty awesome. Peter Marshall was portrayed as a minister who was indeed Man-Sized.

    I’m not sure where he was located after the fact or even before, but what about Father Mulcahey from MASH? While he did provide a bit of humor, he was for the most part, a positive character in the show.

    I dont recall the names, but both pastors in Little House on the Prairie were fairly prominent and respected for their positive positions in the community.

    But you’re right, it happens very rarely. How many kids grow up playing “Preachers and Sinners?”

    How many kids daydream about becoming a minister when they grow up?

    Of course, how many of us as ministers actually plant that seed in children and young people? From my experience, most kids are terrified of their pastor, why on earth would they ever want to be like him? Just my two cents worth.
    Enjoyed the post. I needed some light thought in my today.

  2. Just got in from a road trip with the family. The kids had winn-dixie playing on the dvd. What about Opal’s dad “Preacher.” Not always portrayed in the greatest light, I think he was still a decent pastor as well. Have a great GA.

  3. Sorry to lower the tone, but away from the TV world there’s a cracking and funny new book by a Scottish author about a Church of Scotland minister who falls (pardon the pun) into the company of the Devil. It’s called ‘The Testament of Gideon Mack’ by James Robertson, and is well worth a read, although I don’t know if it’s available across the water. Despite the occasional gothic flourish, it’s probably as good a portrayal of modern ministerial life in small-town Scotland as has been written (minus the demonic possession, of course).

    Back to TV, my mum would probably cast a vote for Eric Camden from ‘Seventh Heaven’. In my book he gains a lot of kudos for being the only minister to have served on the Starship Enterprise.

    Enjoy the GA!

  4. Thanks for the book suggestion, it is available in the states,
    Robin reads Ian Rankin novels and says they swap up some thing in the American releases, might have to pick up a copy next time I’m over.
    Forgot about Seventh Heaven.
    I like Father Mulcahy: did anybody realize he was played by a different actor in the pilot?

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