Seasons and Rhythm


Part of rural life that I truly enjoy is that the rhythm, for me anyway, feels closer to the natural change of seasons.  When most of your surroundings are pavement and buildings each day looks a lot like the other, but if you’re surrounded by grass and trees the view out your window is constantly changing: leaves turning, falling, new green growth followed by turning again.  Even though most people don’t farm now, we’re still surrounded by enough fields for cotton and corn to give us an ever changing backdrop, and enough people raise vegetables and hunt that most of our diets are heavily influenced by what’s in season.  Most folks here have lived in agriculture long enough for it to set the pace for life.  It’s kind of hard to explain but there is just a mood in the community that follows the ancient patterns of planting, growth and harvest.  I’ve tried early on to impose the liturgical calender on the folks here, I’ve learned that it is also wise to be attentive to the natural patterns the people live in and recognize that with our church calendar as well.

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