Maker of the sun, he is made under the sun. In the Father he remains, from his mother he goes forth. Creator of heaven and earth, he was born on earth under heaven. Unspeakably wise, he is wisely speechless. Filling the world, he lies in a manger. Ruler of the starts, he nurses at his mother’s breast. he is both great in the nature of God, and small in the form of a servant.
-St. Augustine
Tools of the Trade: Todoist
Todoist is an online todo or task list utility. I tried several such sites because I wanted something I could access from my laptop or desktop without having to sync the two. I also like knowing it’s backed up elsewhere.
There are several additional features that makes Todoist really useful: gmail intergration, plugins for Launchy and Quicksilver and helpful keyboard shortcuts too. You can sort the list by due dates, context and project. If you try it out be sure to watch the tutorials to see how to use extra features, they are all simple but not obvious.
Here are a couple of other reviews:
Quote for the Day:
“How many observe Christ’s birthday! How few, his precepts! O! ’tis easier to keep holidays than commandments.”
— Benjamin Franklin
Ran into this this evening.
CHAP. XXIII. The Parson’s Completenesse.
THe Countrey Parson desires to be all to his Parish, and not onely a Pastour, but a Lawyer also, and a Phisician. Therefore hee endures not that any of his Flock should go to Law; but in any Controversie, that they should resort to him as their Judge. To this end, he hath gotten to himself some insight in things ordinarily incident and controverted, by experience, and by reading some initiatory treatises in the Law, with Daltons Justice of Peace, and the Abridgements of the Statutes, as also by discourse with men of that profession, whom he hath ever some cases to ask, when he meets with them; holding that rule, that to put men to discourse of that, wherin they are most eminent, is the most gain full way of Conversation. Yet when ever any controversie is brought to him, he never decides it alone, but sends for three or four of the ablest of the Parish to hear the cause with him, whom he makes to deliver their opinion first; out of which he gathers, in case he be ignorant himself, what to hold; and so the thing passeth with more authority, and lesse envy. In judging, he followes that, which is altogether right; so that if the poorest man of the Parish detain but a pin unjustly from the richest, he absolutely restores it as a Judge; but when he hath so done, then he assumes the Parson, and exhorts to Charity. Neverthelesse, there may happen somtimes some cases, wherein he chooseth to permit his Parishioners rather to make use of the Law, then himself: As in cases of an obscure and dark nature, not easily determinable by Lawyers themselves; or in cases of high consequence, as establishing of inheritances: or Lastly, when the persons in difference are of a contentious disposition, and cannot be gained, but that they still fall from all compromises that have been made. But then he shews them how to go to Law, even as Brethren, and not as enemies, neither avoyding therfore one anothers company, much lesse defaming one another. Now as the Parson is in Law, so is he in sicknesse also: if there be any of his flock sick, hee is their Physician, or at least his Wife, of whom in stead of the qualities of the world, he asks no other, but to have the skill of healing a wound, or helping the sick. But if neither himseife, nor his wife have the skil, and his means serve, hee keepes some young practicioner in his house for the benefit of his Parish, whom yet he ever exhorts not to exceed his bounds, but in tickle cases to call in help. If all fail, then he keeps good correspondence with some neighbour Phisician, and entertaines him for the Cure of his Parish. Yet is it easie for any Scholer to attaine to such a measure of Phisick, as may be of much use to him both for himself, and others. This is done by seeing one Anatomy, reading one Book of Phisick, having one Herball by him. And let Fernelius be the Phisick Authour, for he writes briefly, neatly, and judiciously; especially let his Method of Phisick be diligently perused, as being the practicall part, and of most use. Now both the reading of him, and the knowing of herbs may be done at such times, as they may be an help, and a recreation to more divine studies, Nature serving Grace both in comfort of diversion, and the benefit of application when need requires; as also by way of illustration, even as our Saviour made plants and seeds to teach the people: for he was the true householder, who bringeth out of his treasure things new and old; the old things of Philosophy, and the new of Grace; and maketh the one serve the other. And I conceive, our Saviour did this for three reasons: first, that by familiar things hee might make his Doctrine slip the more easily into the hearts even of the meanest. Secondly, that labouring people (whom he chiefly considered) might have every where monuments of his Doctrine, remembring in gardens, his mustard-seed, and lillyes; in the field, his seed-corn, and tares; and so not be drowned altogether in the works of their vocation, but sometimes lift up their minds to better things, even in the midst of their pains. Thirdly, that he might set a Copy for Parsons. In the knowledge of simples, wherein the manifold wisedome of God is wonderfully to be seen, one thing would be carefully observed; which is, to know what herbs may be used in stead of drugs of the same nature, and to make the garden the shop: For home-bred medicines are both more easie for the Parsons purse, and more familiar for all mens bodyes. So, where the Apothecary useth either for loosing, Rubarb, or for binding, Bolearmena, the Parson useth damask or white Roses for the one, and plantaine, shepherds purse, knot-grasse for the other, and that with better successe. As for spices, he doth not onely prefer home-bred things before them, but condemns them for vanities, and so shuts them out of his family, esteeming that there is no spice comparable, for herbs, to rosemary, time, savoury, mints; and for seeds, to Fennell, and Carroway seeds. Accordingly, for salves, his wife seeks not the city, but preferrs her garden and fields before all outlandish gums. And surely hyssope, valerian, mercury, adders tongue, yerrow, melilot, and Saint Johns wort made into a salve; And Elder, camomill, mallowes, comphrey and smallage made into a Poultis, have done great and rare cures. In curing of any, the Parson and his Family use to premise prayers, for this is to cure like a Parson, and this raiseth the action from the Shop, to the Church. But though the Parson sets forward all Charitable deeds, yet he looks not in this point of Curing beyond his own Parish, except the person bee so poor, that he is not able to reward the Phisician: for as hee is Charitable, so he is just also. Now it is a justice and debt to the Commonwealth he lives in, not to incroach on others Professions, but to live on his own. And justice is the ground of Charity.
I’m not sure whether this chapter reveals more of Herbert’s idealism and overly-optimistic view of what one can do, or if it shows the difference in a few hundred years. In Herbert’s time a man of learning could study different fields and practice in them without the bother of professional credentials, associations or liability insurance. In fact many ministers have made important contributions to different fields of science, technology and medicine in the past.
W hat I do find applicable in this chapter for modern ministers is that we should make our ministry broad and holistic. It can be very stifling to focus only on theology and the study of Scriptures that we lose the ability to make the connection with God’s creation and the world that most of our parishioners live in. We should be able to see the practical connection between ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ and working to solve disputes, between the doctrine of the Incarnation and some basic knowledge of healthy living.
I love the image of a Country Parson brewing a medicine with herbs from his garden and giving them with a prayer for healing and a loving touch.
(Photo of Barwinnoch Herbs in South Ayrshire by eggybird)
Quotes on preaching
It would have made a great song!
We gather, as many churches do for a devotional reading and song before we divide up into our Sunday school classes. It’s led by a layman so I was sitting in a pew and just before the the service started a wave sorta rose through the pews (back to front instead of side to side). Instead of cheering everyone rose saying “What was that?”
After the front pews jumped up we saw some sort of ‘critter’ bolt from the congregation into the choir loft. When it climbed up the wall we saw what it was — a squirrel!
I made an admittedly pathetic attempt to grab it. There is simply no training in seminary to prepare you for catching rodents that are circling the chancel, weaving in and out of organ pipes. The assembly was mostly made up of little ol’ ladies, so I was glad when, after a few minutes of chasing the squirrel, Danny came in. Danny is very big and very country, just the sort of man you want to show up when your trying to catch an animal.
Danny is apparently more intimidating to squirrels than I am. It might be his size and obvious comfort chasing animals, then again it might be because his momma is famous for her squirrel dumplings. Any way when Danny entered the chancel the squirrel decided to get out of there. It had climbed nearly to the ceiling, it spread its arms and flew over our heads. We had a flying squirrel.
After a nice chase through the narthex among very confused parishioners and very excited children the squirrel shot into my office. I stood outside my office listening to the thud – bump – SLAM going on inside. I tried to smile nicely to folks as I imagined going inside to find squished squirrel bits all over my books. After a minute or two, Danny emerged, beaming with pride and holding his jacket over his head. It was bundled around what had to an extremely panicked squirrel. The squirrel was set free unharmed and the morning service continued as normal. I did ask our organist to play Ray Stevens for the offertory.
(By the way Danny has since joined the Army and is serving his second round in Iraq. You’re in our prayers.)
Quote for the Day:
It is not the reading of many books which is necessary to make a man wise or good, but the well-reading of a few, could he be sure to have the best. And it is not possible to read over many on the same subject without a great deal of loss of precious time.
– Richard Baxter
(A Wonderland of Books by tochis)
Tools of the Trade: Nelson Signature Series Bible
Probably the most basic tool for ministry — the preacher’s Bible. What to use in the pulpit, teaching, personal devotion, visiting and outdoor weddings? Personally I have a study Bible for my own reading, a pocket New Testament for visiting and a Nelson Signature Series Bible for preaching. It is the New King James Version, which might not be the best translation, but after looking for (and stressing over) the perfect translation I realized there is no such animal. I chose this for what may seem very superficial criteria, that is it looks and feels so nice. The leather is very soft and it is a very nice size.
After a few months of preaching, using different Bibles to do so I came to the conclusion that the size of a Bible (should be comfortably held with one hand) the appearance of the text (legible print, simple layout) and the absence of distracting study notes were as important as anything else in choosing a regular pulpit Bible. I prefer other translations for study (especially the ESV) but the New King James sounds familiar to folks who grew up with the KJV but is understandable to those who didn’t.
So what’s your preferred translation? For fellow ministers, what is your primary pulpit Bible and why?
Quote for the Day:
The Collect for the Second Sunday in Advent
BLESSED Lord, who hast caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning; Grant that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of thy holy Word, we may embrace, and ever hold fast, the blessed hope of everlasting life, which thou hast given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
(Open Bible by: DrGBB)