“Clocks” by Coldplay reminds me of Dublin. They played it on the plane when we arrived and it got stuck in my head as I walked around the city. It always reminds me of Dublin and Ryan Air.
Day 5 – A Song That Reminds Me Of Someone
This reminds me of Wesley, Katie, Heather, & Holly – riding home from school, singing, stopping at Cougar oil for fun dip candy, and getting stabbed with a pencil.
Day 04 – A song that makes you sad
Day 04 – A song that makes you sad – the Humpff Family’s “Beaujolais Nouveau” was sort of a theme song for moving to and living in Glasgow. I miss the Uni the city and think about the difficulties we went through around that time every time I hear it.
Direct Link: http://grooveshark.com/s/Beaujolais+Nouveau/1X2dV3?src=5
Day 03 – A song that makes you happy
Pipi by Los Amigos Invisibles. It’s from the album Arepa 3000: A Venezuelan Journey Into Space. I did a slideshow awhile back of different silly photos of our family to this fun song. The only youtube video I found was this guy riding a unicycle.
Day 02 – Your least favorite song
There are so many candidates, but I’ll say my least favorite song would probably be Achey Breaky Heart. I can remember hearing a steel drum version in the Bahamas on my honeymoon.
I won’t even bother putting a link to the song.
30 Day Music Challenge: Day 1
30 Day Music Challenge: Day 1 Your favorite song
The idea of narrowing down all of music to one favorite song is ridiculous – but currently I’m listening to John Martyn’s “Solid Air” a lot. Dedicated to Nick Drake, it’s the title song from Martyn’s 1973 album.
EPC Essentials
I’m concerned about how we in America are increasingly polarized. I saw an interview with Tim Keller recently in which he said several years ago America would elect a President and everyone accepted that person as our President, but now those who voted for the opposition act as though the President’s time is office is illegitimate. It is sad that we, whether on the left or the right, act as though there is nothing praiseworthy or commendable in the other party.
Which is why I’m happy to see several Republican leaders commend and congratulate President Obama in addition to our military and intelligence personnel on the successful removal of Osama Bin Laden. I was also proud of Mr Obama’s address last night that presented the events in Afghanistan and Pakistan as part of a consistent American strategy; that is concurring in President Bush’s actions in those countries. I would love to see more points of agreement and recognition from individuals of either party that disagreement over priorities and goals doesn’t mean that those who disagree with you are stupid, corrupt, or malicious.
This is especially brought to light today as I had lunch with a friend of another Christian denomination who shared some misunderstandings about me as a Presbyterian. He had previously asked me some questions about my beliefs which allowed me to clarify what I believe. I was very grateful for the opportunity to explain my beliefs for myself, rather than have someone make assumptions about me based on caricature and distortion.
There is a strong temptation to only talk to people who we agree with, to read magazines and books written from a perspective we agree with, to get our “news” from stations or blogs that shares our own perspective. It’s easy to segregate ourselves in a little silo that supports how we see reality and cuts off conversation from anyone who sees things differently. Of course all this does is reinforce our own opinions and divides us further from our neighbor.
Wouldn’t it be more interesting to have lunch or a cup of coffee in the next week with someone you really disagree with and try to understand where they’re coming from? I bet it would be more productive than getting together with some folks who think just like you and fussing about what “those” people should do differently.
Catechizing a three-year-old
Q: Who made you
A: God
Q: Why did God make you? (response “To glorify him and enjoy him”)
A: To make a joke.