We recently had the privilege of visiting the Tennessee State Senate. Our senator, Paul Rose, invited me to serve as Minister of the Day and I got to deliver the invocation. My son got to serve as an honorary page for the day. It was fun to watch be in the session to to spend time with Senator Rose.
Here is my prayer:
Our Sovereign God, who has established civil authorities for the restraint of evil and promotion of good, we give you thanks for these Senators whom you placed in service to our state. We are grateful for the gifts, talents, and experience you have provided to them, and we pray that you might continue to bless them with all that is needed to fulfill their honorable obligation. Guard and protect them, their families, and staff. Imbue their hearts with justice, compassion, and charity. And Grant them, O Lord, an understanding of the issues which they are addressing, wisdom in their deliberations and resolve in their actions, that they might enact laws that would be pleasing in your sight and for the well-being of all people. Amen.
