THe Countrey Parson, where ever he is, keeps Gods watch; that is, there is nothing spoken, or done in the Company where he is, but comes under his Test and censure: If it be well spoken, or done, he takes occasion to commend, and enlarge it; if ill, he presently lays hold of it, least the poyson steal into some young and unwary spirits, and possesse them even before they themselves heed it. But this he doth discretely, with mollifying, and suppling words; This was not so well said, as it might have been forborn; We cannot allow this: or else if the thing will admit interpretation; Your meaning is not thus, but thus; or, So farr indeed what you say is true, and well said; but this will not stand. This is called keeping Gods watch, when the baits which the enemy lays in company, are discovered and avoyded: This is to be on Gods side, and be true to his party. Besides, if he perceive in company any discourse tending to ill, either by the wickedness or quarrelsomnesse thereof, he either prevents it judiciously, or breaks it off seasonably by some diversion. Wherein a pleasantness of disposition is of great use, men being willing to sell the interest, and ingagement of their discourses for no price sooner, then that of mirth; whither the nature of man, loving refreshment, gladly betakes it selfe, even to the losse of honour.
As with the last chapter, Herbert reminds us that a minister is a minister always. Here he reminds pastors that others will watch their reaction in conversations, wherever they take place. A minister’s duty of oversight and teaching continues whether the discussion is in the Church hall, at a party or in the marketplace. Although Herbert tempers his instructions by reminding the parson to be discrete, we probably are tempted to see the ideal of a minister correcting others and always ready to ‘test and censure’ as an overbearing busybody. But consider the witness it would be for ministers to politely correct errors instead of tacitly approve of them.