CHAP. XVI. The Parson a Father.

THe Countrey Parson is not only a father to his flock, but also professeth himselfe throughly of the opinion, carrying it about with him as fully, as if he had begot his whole Parish. And of this he makes great use. For by this means, when any sinns, he hateth him not as an officer, but pityes him as a Father: and even in those wrongs which either in tithing, or otherwise are done to his owne person, hee considers the offender as a child, and forgives, so hee may have any signe of amendment; so also when after many admonitions, any continue to be refractory, yet hee gives him not over, but is long before hee proceede to disinheriting, or perhaps never goes so far; knowing, that some are called at the eleventh houre, and therefore hee still expects, and waits, least hee should determine Gods houre of coming; which as hee cannot, touching the last day, so neither touching the intermediate days of Conversion.

For a while I’ve noticed that Paul’s requirements for a minister is that they govern their household well, or as I take it, are a good Father. The Biblical requirement is not, as we might choose, that they are good business leaders, sucesseful militarty strategists or even popular and charismatic.

Herbert briefly comments on the Parson’s parental relationship to his flock and notices the way a Father is with his children. While a CEO might be more efficient, a parent’s patient love is what is needed for the work of pastoral ministry.

(Picture: English Country Church by Donnie Ray)


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