General Assembly

We are at GA in Franklin, Tn and Keelyn is having a blast. It’s nice to see so many people I hadn’t seen in a while. We saw the booths and the bookstore. I’m glad to see The Lives and Times of Finis Ewing has been reprinted. We went to the Seminary Luncheon and got to sit with Rev. Michael Clark, my former seminary roomate. The Seminary honored Dr. Knick for thirty some odd years of service. Barry introduced me to a minister from Japan presbytery who is serving a mission church in Brazil of Japanese immigrants, but they are also reaching some native Brazilians as well. Here’s a pic of Barry and Randy explaining the moves at MTS in the past year.

First Attempt

We’ve received our entry clearance for the UK this week and are about three months away from moving. I’m a presbyterian minister who will be moving from Allsboro, Alabama to Glasgow, Scotland to pursue a Ph.D. at the University of Glasgow.
I figure this will be a nice way to record our trip and let our friends and family keep in touch while we are away. So grab an Irn Bru and enjoy.