Miller Beer associates itself with an event mocking the Last Supper of Jesus

I was appalled to see this article this morning.  I know I shouldn’t be surprised anymore, but after I get over my initial shock I’m always angered by the hypocrisy in our society when it comes to attitudes towards Christians.  If there had been a poster or comment even half as offensive toward Jews, Muslims, ethnic minorities or homosexuals this story would be a major headline and Miller would be offering serious apologies.

Random 8

I have been tagged by seekingservant for this Random 8 thing:

a) I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
b) Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
c) People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
d) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
e) Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they are tagged and to visit your blog.

1. I grew up on a Boy’s Ranch a home for ‘neglected, needy or abused’ children. My parents were house-parents at the ranch, so I grew up way out in the country on a large commune-like campus with about 75 other boys.

2. I play guitar and had a band in college – Homade Sin. My friend Wayne sang. We played classic rock and roll and had a great time. We rotated through Bass players and drummers. For a while we had some guy playing Bass who had no clue how to play bass, in fact didn’t even have one…but his mom was a really good cook!

Homade Sin

3. Speaking of college, I managed to change my major nearly every semester I was there. I started out as a Criminal Justice Major because I had to put something down to start with. I changed from that to Art then English. The English classes were in the building furthest from my Dorm and I got tired of the walk. The closest building was math and physics – I knew that wouldn’t work for me, but when I found out Political Science was housed in the top of the math building for some reason I declared that my major. I still scheduled classes around the Andy Griffith show, but I didn’t have to walk so far. As graduation became a possibility I had to figure out what the Political Science degree would be good for so I decided I would take the pre-Law track. I was preparing for the LSAT (law school admissions test) when I surrendered to the call to ministry.

4. On the subject of school in general I am working on a PhD through the University of Glasgow, Scotland. My research is in Church History, I’m studying the early eighteenth-century controversies over presbyterian ministerial candidates being required to subscribe the Westminster Confession of Faith in Britain, Ireland and America.

5. The first cassette album I purchased was the Miami Vice Soundtrack.

6. I once got my car stuck on a stump at a funeral. I arrived late at the church and the parking lot was full, I pulled off into the grass and accidentally over a stump that raised my tires up enough that they couldn’t get traction. I didn’t notice but went on into the service. I was trying to avoid someone there so after the graveside I was going to discreetly slip away. No good. I had to get the pall bearers to lift me off the stump…it was anything but discrete.

7. I love the movie Napoleon Dynamite but people look at me weird when I try to explain the deep symbolism I see.

8. Since I have trouble staying with one book for long I’ve developed an overly complicated method of ordering my reading so that I can stay with a book and finish it. It’s something else that get’s weird looks when I explain it but essentially I rotate about three books at a time so I can start something new pretty often. Otherwise I tend to start a book and never finish because I want to start something else.

Well that’s my Random 8, I will tag John, Wayne, Aaron, Jeff, Zac, Daniel at Christ and Covenant and for the sake of Randomness I’ll just press the ‘Next’ button and hit the next two that pop up.