Listening to all of my MP3s

I have a ton of mp3s I’ve never gotten around to listening to.  I seem to be better at collecting music and books than actually listening to or reading them.  I’m trying to work my way completely through my collection A-Z by artist.  As I do I’ll be posting my progress here to keep track.  I’m currently into Aretha (or as I’ve heard she’s referred to by some Glaswegian Geography Undergrads – Uretha) Franklin.  I have 13,617 songs left to go.

Resources for Pastors:

White Horse Inn

As I’ve mentioned before keep my ipod stocked with sermons and lectures.  One of my favorite resources is the White Horse Inn podcast.  It’s a discussion between four ministers and professors who are from different denominations (2 Reformed, 1 Lutheran, and 1 Baptist) but all agree on the doctrines of grace. 
I’ve been listening to them for a few years now and look forward to the new episode each week.  What really impressed me to begin with was how much they emphasized the Church, something rarely seen in Christian broadcasts.  After listening more I understood how theologically grounded they are (another rarity).

They also publish a journal, Modern Reformation, which I’ve recently subscribed to.  I’ve made it a practice to take a limited number of journals and one I had previously subscribed to was good at critique but usually left me feeling dejected.  One of the things I have appreciated about the White Horse Inn is that they are dead on with their criticisms of society and modern evangelicalism, yet they always give an incredibly compelling alternative that leaves me inspired and excited about what God does through His Church.   I’ve enjoyed the first issue so far, it’s refreshing to read something with substance.  If you sign the guest book on their website they’ll send a free sample issue and an audio CD.  The CD’s worth getting just to hear when Robert Schuller got so angry he walked out of an interview.