Alabama State Senate Brawl

Actually it was a single punch, but Alabama Public Television caught it on film.

I love the quotes in the Times Daily article.  “I might whop you again,” Bishop said, and “I’ve been down here 23 years,” Sanders said. “There have been many heated moments, but I don’t know of another moment where a senator has hit another senator upside the head.”

Another from the Huntsville Times.

My Firefox Setup

I switched to firefox as soon as my brother-in-law introduced it (and tabbed browsing) to me. It is highly customizable thanks to the huge number of add-ons. My browser is now optimized for research, here’s how mine’s set up. Anyone have any other favorites?

  • Quick Searches: these bookmarks let you set up a quick link to any search engine and set up a keyword. For example I search Googlebooks by going to the address bar typing books Name of Book Looking for. (Pressing Ctrl+L moves the cursor to the address bar.)
  • Search Engine Bar: This section of the browser has an area to type a keyword and several search engines to choose from, plus you can add additional engines: for me this includes a passage lookup in the English Standard Version of the Bible and the World Cat catalog. Several more can be found here.
  • Adblock: this stops those frames offering free iPods and other annoyances.
  • Unplug: downloads embedded media.
  • Zotero: this is a bibliography tool that is really cool. My thesis bibliography is stored here. It downloads bib information, you can search for libraries that have the book, print/export bibliographies, tag books and add notes.
  • Googlenotebook Extension: allows you to take notes and access them from small section without browsing to the google site.
  • Greasemonkey:multiplies the possible extensions by adding new functions to websites, reworking their look, additional blocking such as google ads and flash media.
  • Snaplinks and Downloadthemall: lets you select several links to open at once and download all links on a page respectively.


5 Sites with Rural Ministry Resources

I’ve been googl’ing for websites that offer resources specific for rural ministry. I haven’ t been overwhelmed with information. I did find these five sites that might have something useful:

The Town and Country Institute if the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg has a select bibliography.

The ELCA denominational website has a section on rural ministry.

The Center for Theology and Land of Wartburg Theological Seminary has some resources for Rogation Sunday.

Alabama Rural Ministry.

And here’s a online document about pastoral ministry from the Rural Social Science Education website, the layout is a little unusual – you have to click several time to get to the text. Begin here.

Picture is Field of Gold by PentaxFanatik

CHAP. IX. The Parsons state of Life.

Rectory Poem

THe Country Parson considering that virginity is a higher state then Matrimony, and that the Ministry requires the best and highest things, is rather unmarryed, then marryed. But yet as the temper of his body may be, or as thee temper of his Parish may be, where he may have occasion to converse with women, and that among suspicious men, and other like circumstances considered, he is rather married then unmarried. Let him communicate the thing often by prayer unto God, and as his grace shall direct him, so let him proceed. If he be unmarried, and keepe house, he hath not a woman in his house, but findes opportunities of having his meat dress’d and other services done by men-servants at home, and his linnen washed abroad. If he be unmarryed, and sojourne, he never talkes with any woman alone, but in the audience of others, and that seldom, and then also in a serious manner, never jestingly or sportfully. He is very circumspect in all companyes, both of his behaviour, speech, and very looks, knowing himself to be both suspected, and envyed. If he stand steadfast in his heart, having no necessity, but hath power over his own will, and hath so decreed in his heart, that he will keep himself a virgin, he spends his dayes in fasting and prayer, and blesseth God for the gift of continency, knowing that it can no way be preserved, but only by those means, by which at first it was obtained. He therefore thinkes it not enough for him to observe the fasting dayes of the Church, and the dayly prayers enjoyned him by auctority, which he observeth out of humble conformity, and obedience, but adds to them, out of choyce and devotion, some other dayes for fasting, and hours for prayers; and by these hee keeps his body tame, serviceable, and health- full; and his soul fervent, active, young, and lusty as an eagle. He often readeth the Lives of the Primitive Monks, Hermits, and Virgins, and wondreth not so much at their patient suffering, and cheerfull dying under persecuting Emperours, (though that indeed be very admirable) as at their daily temperance, abstinence, watchings, and constant prayers, and mortifications in the times of peace and prosperity. To put on the profound humility, and the exact temperance of our Lord Jesus, with other exemplary vertues of that sort, and to keep them on in the sunshine, and noone of prosperity, he findeth to be as necessary, and as difficult at least, as to be cloathed with perfect patience, and Christian fortitude in the cold midnight stormes of persecution and adversity. He keepeth his watch and ward, night and day against the proper and peculiar temptations of his state of Life, which are principally these two Spirituall pride, and Impurity of heart: against these ghostly enemies he girdeth up his loynes, keepes the imagination from roving, puts on the whole Armour of God, and by the vertue of the shield of faith, he is not afraid of the pestilence that walketh in darkenesse, [carnall impurity] nor of the sicknesse that destroyeth at noone day, [Ghostly pride and self-conceite.] Other temptations he hath, which, like mortall enemies, may sometimes disquiet him likewise; for the humane soule being bounded, and kept in, in her sensitive faculty, will runne out more or lesse in her intellectuall. Originall concupisence is such an active thing, by reason of continuall inward, or outward temptations, that it is ever attempting, or doing one mischief or other. Ambition, or untimely desire of promotion to an higher state, or place, under colour of accommodation, or necessary provision, is a common temptation to men of any eminency, especially being single men. Curiosity in prying into high speculative and unprofitable questions, is another great stumbling block to the holinesse of Scholars. These and many other spirituall wickednesses in high places doth the Parson fear, or experiment, or both; and that much more being single, then if. he were marryed; for then commonly the stream of temptations is turned another way, into Covetousnesse, Love of pleasure, or ease, or the like. If the Parson be unmarryed, and means to continue so, he doth at least, as much as hath been said. If he be marryed, the choyce of his wife was made rather by his eare, then by his eye; his judgement, not his affection found out a fit wife for him, whose humble, and liberall disposition he preferred before beauty, riches, or honour. He knew that (the good instrument of God to bring women to heaven) a wise and loving husband could out of humility, produce any speciall grace of faith, patience, meeknesse, love, obedience, &c. and out of liberality, make her fruitfull in all good works. As hee is just in all things, so is he to his wife also, counting nothing so much his owne, as that he may be unjust unto it. Therefore he gives her respect both afore her servants, and others, and halfe at least of the government of the house, reserving so much of the affaires, as serve for a diversion for him; yet never so giving over the raines, but that he sometimes looks how things go, demanding an account, but not by the way of an account. And this must bee done the oftner, or the seldomer, according as hee is satisfied of his Wifes discretion.

When for some, a rural parish could be an escape from real work and an opportunity for gentle leisure, George Herbert sees it as a call for spiritual warfare. I’m impressed at how influenced Herbert is by the monastic ideal. He really shows the via media, encouraging but not requiring celibacy. His guidelines for life are reminiscent of the writings of the Desert Fathers. Herbert also gives advice for choosing a wife and managing a household. ‘The choyce of his wife was made rather by his eare, then by his eye’. His advice for a household, don’t abandon your responsibility (‘giving over the raines’) but give your wife respect, trust and at least half of the ‘government of the house’. I find this advice particularly interesting given the impression many probably have of the roles of men and women at the time Herbert was writing.

Like the monks of ancient times who went to the desert tofight demons, Herbert seems to see a rural parish as a similar spiritual battleground.


Old Rectory

The pictures of the Old Rectory at Bemerton where George Herbert lived.


The ‘Struggle’ of Rural Ministry

Read this article today. It presents the same story (not at all news) that I always hear about rural church life. It’s the same message I have heard my whole life. There’s a lot of churches in the country that are ‘dying’ and the best thing for them to do is to get radical and ‘untraditional’ and then they can really pack the place. Unfortunately some people, probably the dwindling, aging congregations hold ‘fast to the traditions of their forebears.’

I really believe that the opinions expressed in these type of stories just hurt the morale of small churches, and small church ministers and perpetuate a view of ministry that believes to be a successful church you have to have a lot of people. Notice the wording in the opening paragraph:

‘It’s an idyllic setting for Sunday worship: a small, white church on the slope of a gentle hill. Outside the sanctuary, two dogs lie in the shade. The only problem is there are just 20 worshippers inside…’ The small number of worshippers is a ‘problem’, 20 is a small number compared to the megachurches the author seems to be impressed with, but what is the population of the community where the church is located? Is the only thing a small congregation can do to be healthy is become a bigger congregation? Is the problem (as the article seems to suggest) that the church is made up of old fogies who are stuck in their ways, instead of willing to shake thing up a bit and implement ‘casual dress, upbeat worship and high-tech media presentations’?

As a minister in a country church I’m tired of small congregations feeling like they are somehow less a part of the body of Christ than big city mega-churches. I’m tired of ‘help’ for small churches aimed completely at boosting attendance rather than focusing on the health of a congregation expressed in spiritual maturity, participation and leadership in the congregation and active ministry and mission.

I believe it is important for the church to have a presence in these small communities that are simply not going to have large congregations. (In Allsboro there are roughly 300 people, we are 7 miles from the closest store and about 30 miles from the closest redlight, I don’t believe we are called to build a mega-church.) But in these small communities the fact that a few people get together to worship God (Jesus set the quota at 2 or more) is a sign of faithfulness to God and to their community. Wal-Marts have helped shut down our country stores. The schools closed and consolidated a long time ago. Same with the post office. While most folks have abandoned the rural areas in the name of efficiency, and to the detriment of community, many, many faithful small churches have not. I think they deserve some appreciation instead of another story telling them that they are small, old, dying and unattractive to ‘seminary trained ministers’.

country church by withrow

country church by withrow

Shoals’ Top 500 Songs

This was in one of our local weeklies. It’s a listing of the top 500 songs associated with the Shoals area, some very cool stuff on it.

A few from the list:

Recorded in New York with the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section
26. ROLLING STONES – Brown Sugar
Recorded at Muscle Shoals Sound Studios.
37. PAUL SIMON – Loves Me Like A Rock
Recorded at Muscle Shoals Sound Studios.
52. JOHN LENNON – Whatever Gets You Thru The Night
Features the Muscle Shoals Horns.
62. WILSON PICKETT – Land Of 1,000 Dances
Recorded at FAME Studios.
97. ROD STEWART – This Old Heart Of Mine
Recorded at Muscle Shoals Sound Studios.