Unexpected Sabbath Blessing

RelaxOver the past year or so I have become more convicted about my lax observance of the Sabbath.  Our family has tried to be more intentional about not running errands or eating out on the Lord’s Day.  We have had a few Sundays when an unexpected guest or empty fridge sent us out, but otherwise have enjoyed a day of rest and worship.  Rather than seeing it as another rule to follow, we’re trying to receive it as a gift, remembering that “the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath” (Mark 2:27).

One of the ways we are trying to set the day apart is forbidding electronic screens until the evening.  No iPads, computers, televisions allowed.  Amazingly, rather than face a revolt from the kids, we have discovered they enjoy it.  The mood is different throughout the house and the children, as well my wife and I, love it.

Not having their eyes glued to a screen has made my children have to find other ways to spend their time and after having their request for the iPad “just this Sunday” denied they have resorted to playing together.  This has meant my naps are interrupted by the sound of children laughing and my reading disturbed by the sound of joyful play in the back yard.  Of all the blessings of the Lord’s Day, one unexpected consequence has been the delight of watching my children enjoy each other.  I imagine our heavenly Father delights in His children simply connecting and enjoying each other’s presence as well.

(photo: Andrés Nieto Porras)

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